The new era of trading all depends on two things…
The experience for trading and the superior customer service, that comes along with it…
Consumers depend on it and companies reap the rewards by adapting to excellent customer service to prevent them from failing.
In this article, we’ll focus on 7 trends that will shape customer service in the future.
This applies for not only trading but with most businesses.
Let’s get to them…
Trend #1:
Social Media Live Chat

Human assistants will help answer their customer questions, with a live online chat software or by downloading an application.
Think of Skype, Zoom, Facebook or via their personal website. As more people adapt to online communication, the more companies will utilise these opportunities.
After all, it’s all about meeting the customers where they are most likely to be.
WITH TRADING – There are already live online communication options where human operators can help with trading platform, charting, business features and offers.
Trend #2:
Virtual Chatbot

A virtual chatbot is a pre-programmed response with an artificial intelligence software.
You most likely know them as virtual assistants.
This way is a cheaper, faster and more consistent approach to help answer customers questions without the need of a human operator.
With virtual chatbots there’ll be no restricted or waiting times. Also with machine learning, means the bots will get better, they’ll be more researched and will provide better answers over time.
WITH TRADING – You’ll be able to ask for financial markets information, prices, charts, how to guides and trading platform queries.
Trend #3:
RIP Phone Calls & Faxes

Companies will strive to cut costs and cut out old fashion ways.
This includes mobile-data related phone calls taking a back seat as well fax machines.
WITH TRADING – You’ll notice that with most global Forex and trading companies, they have taken out the options of phoning and faxing them.
This shouldn’t worry you as they are adapting to the new ways of trading.
Trend #4:
24-Hour Support With Apps

Instead of calling or messaging companies via mobile communication, companies are adapting to more text and voice messaging apps.
I’m talking about WhatsApp and Facetime. It’s cheaper, faster and more accessible from anywhere in the world.
This will bring about 24 hour support, for their customers.
WITH TRADING – I’m sure you’ll be able to send a quick message to your broker via WhatsApp or another app to place or close a trade or facilitate other transactions.
Trend #5:
Video Email

Email has been the most widely used tool for customer service.
In the future, we’ll be taken to the next level where email will allow for video emails.
This way we’ll have a higher level of engagement and with a more personal and natural touch.
WITH TRADING – You’ll be able to ask your trading related query with an illustration rather than explaining via text.
And when you receive your answer, it will be shown with an easy to understand and visualise demo explanation.
Trend #6:
Remote Working & Flexible Times

COVID-19 was the catalyst that helped push the remote working environment for employees.
As customer service and contact agents are confined more to their homes, they will be working with more flexible times.
WITH TRADING – Instead of an employee having to work in an office setting, they will be more flexible with their times.
Eventually, we’ll see questions answered by them at all hours of the day.
Trend #7:
Multi-language Support

Customers are connecting with more companies, located all over the world. It is critical to offer customer service support in multiple languages.
The more languages are offered, the bigger the reach for potential customers.
WITH TRADING – Forex and crypto-currency is a global phenomenon, taking over the world. It is inevitable for these kinds of companies to offer their services in different languages.
Final words
With us being able to expose, report and send our reviews about our experiences, means one thing…
Businesses will continue to strive to serve and improve their customer support and services.
And that’s why, it is and should always be a priority for companies to improve.
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