So you want to trade, but just not taking action.
You’re on the computer and so close to taking a trade or opening an account with a broker.
The button is right there.
And yet, it feels like there’s a wall between your finger and the button.
I get it.
It’s a big step to take when you know you’re entering into uncharted financial waters.
You know risk is involved… You know time is needed. And you know education is crucial.
And yet you’re still hesitant.
In this article, we’ll pinpoint what is holding you back from creating your financial freedom as a trader.
You’re talking more than doing

This is a big one.
Maybe you’ve been reading trading and investing articles for years now.
And yet, you keep finding excuses to not take action.
1. “I’ll start next month”
2. “I’ll wait for the market to correct before I trade”
3. “I’m stressed with work and family”
Life is going to continue with new problems, stresses and issues.
And this will extend your delays and increase the number of excuses you’ll make with any new hobby.
You just need to start doing, and the rest will take care of itself.
Open a trading account, learn a trading strategy I.e. MATI Trader System to cut out the long learning process.
Join highly valuable live trading events I.e the event we’re running on Saturday.
And you’ll find you’ll feel more accomplished and proud of the fact, you took action.
You’re concerned of the short term

Every trader I know wants their first trade and month to be profitable.
I was the same. In 2003, I bought a bunch of Anglo Gold shares.
I felt so much panic because I wanted it to be a winner. I didn’t think of the long term effects.
Let me tell you, I don’t even remember my first winner. I’ve taken thousands of trades and I’ll tell you, the first trade is over looked and felt.
When you have a proven trading strategy, you lose interest in what a few trades will do for your portfolio.
You keep your eye on the long term rewards.
You are scared of losing

This is one humble game, where the market takes a little and gives back to you and then some.
It’s all down to one simple method – Risk and reward.
You’re in a calculations game now, where you need to lose in order to win.
Embrace the losses and own them as you would with any business costs or overheads.
You’re waiting for the right time

What does that mean?
Are you waiting for enough money?
You never start with a lot of money as a trader. You test, you learn and you gain experience.
I guarantee you blow more money on a holiday, on petrol and at restaurants than the amount you’ll lose as a start up and humble trader.
Are you waiting for the right time?
There are thousands of markets that are either in uptrend, downtrends or sideways trends everyday. There is never the right time to get into trading.
Why? Because it’s always the right time.
You’re too busy to start

I’m sure this article has helped open your eyes to a new spectrum of reasons why you’re holding back.
Stop talking, start doing.
You do have enough money to start trading.
You have more than enough time
You need to lose, to win.
Nobody is ever too busy to not pursue their dreams and create their freedom.
Got it? So stop holding back and listening to some imaginary voice inside your head.
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