Sunday, 30 October 2022

5 Best Ways to Gain Trading Knowledge


Trading is made up of an entire universe of possibilities, strategies and opportunities.

It is your sole goal to find out what works best for you.

And so, if you’ve been trading this year, you’ll need to ask yourself a couple of questions.

1. Which strategy did you find you could understand and relate to the best?

2. Which time frames worked well with your personality?

3. What would you like to learn more of in the next year?

When you ask the right questions, you’ll be steered in the correct direction you’ll need to improve your trading knowledge.

Here are the five knowledge gainers you’ll need to improve your trading…


Oh yes! When I started trading, I went straight to YouTube to boost my knowledge.

In fact, InformedTrades with David Waring was and is still my favourite channel.

It literally covers just about every topic you can imagine with trading.

Watch as many trading educational (not marketing) videos and you’ll be welcomed into a new dimension of trading.

In fact, I plan to do many more educational trading videos with MATI Trader.

Make sure you click here and subscribe so you don’t miss a single one.


Unfortunately, I never had the privilege of finding a trading mentor during my learning stages.

I’m talking about someone who would be with you step by step to avoid costly mistakes and steer you in the right direction.

However, I did have two dear friends who helped shape my trading career and spent hours to help me.

They are Igor Marinkovic who you can follow on Twitter (@ALSITRADER) and Tim Desbois (an incredible man who introduced me to algorithmic trading).

It’s one of the main reasons I started MATI Trader. To help steer you and guide you into the right direction as a trader.


This was also a rare find in my early days of trading.

The closest I got to reading material was with Garth Mackenzie’s (Trader’s Corner newsletter) and even Clive Roffeys book (which taught me everything I know about breakout patterns).

Also the Dummies guides and whatever I could find at Exclusive Books.

Out of 222 books I’ve read, I managed to finally compile most of what I know in the MATI Trader System Programme Handbook.

Let me tell you, every book helps in some way or another. So keep expanding your trading knowledge.

Online Courses

Back then we didn’t trust the internet enough to buy online courses like we do today.

Instead, I attended live courses which helped us what we learnt live into action.

The closest course I attended was Simon Browns (now Just One Lap) Standard Back courses when I was 16.

I clearly remember him saying, 5% in the room will make it as traders. And since that day it was my mission to be part of it.

It wasn’t because I was special but because of the determination and persistence.

Now online courses are the way to go, considering the restrictions we have in 2020.

Social Media Trading Accounts

Even to this day I find many lessons inside different social media accounts.

Infographics, quotes, memes and facts…

Fill your brain with everything you can and you’ll start to see the universe of trading like I do.

In fact, I spend hours making trading infographics, memes and quotes on both MATI Trader’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Follow MATI Trader Instagram – >
Follow MATI Trader Facebook page ->

Make sure you follow and turn on notifications for both so you can get more value with MATI Trader.

There is also a ton of videos, lessons in my private MATI Trader channel via the Premium MATI Trader Service.

However, I STRICTLY only accept those who are determined like I was at 16.

This way, I’ll be able to put in a lot more effort and energy into your trading success.

Click here if you’d like to be a Premium MATI Trader starting right now.

Final words

Write these knowledge gainers down for your mission in 2021.

The more work you put in, the more you’ll get out.

And eventually, you’ll be out of the system of a single income where you can take full control of your life.

Trade where you want, travel when you want, wake up later and enjoy the short but beautiful life we have.

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