Thursday, 11 June 2015

I quit!

Yep, that’s right! The two little words you say when you throw in the towel, say uncle and move on to greater things.

Two words which emphasise a whole change to your life and what you pursue in.

It may be better for the future or for the worse. You’ll hear it in every business and every industry you work in.

It’s been a difficult two months with trading and the market environment is not very conducive for traders.

I quit - two powerful words that can stop you from achieving what you want to and deserve to reach

The market moves in three direction - up, down and sideways.

But if you acknowledge that the market does move like this at times, you should know not to give up.

This is a very common mistake traders make. When good times roll, they bank their profits and feel like the king of the markets.

But when market moves in squonky directions, you might think the market is out to get you and so, you move on to better things.

But if trading was only about banking winners and making money, EVERYONE would be doing it with ease and making fortunes.

But that’s not the case, when you look at the reality of trading.

Just like any business you run. You get good times and you get not so good times. At the end of the day, it’s how you manage your positions that’s key to stay in the game.

Don’t be a quitter! Learn from these market environments and keep strict to your money management rules.

Psychology is key to stay ahead of the trading game.

And always remember, "Wisdom yields Wealth".


Timon Rossolimos
Managing Editor: Trading Tips

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