The Coronavirus is here and it’s not going to go away soon.
We all need to do our part during these stressful and unprecedented times. And as a nation, we can take the simple steps to prevent the spread of the pandemic further.
And it all starts with us practicing the art of ‘social distancing’.
Here are 10 reasons, why we should all stay at home…
REASON #1: Not everyone is healthy and fit like you
Even if you’re healthy and fit, you could infect those who are more vulnerable and susceptible to severe symptoms.
Reason #2: Spend time with your loved ones
Now is the time to spend time with your family & animals, focus on your health and what you eat.
Reason #3: One less person at risk
Each person that stays at home is one less at risk of being infected by COVID-19.
Reason #4: You could infect the people in your household
One infected person can spread it to two or three different people which you’ll be bringing into your household.
Reason #5: Health care isn’t prepared for this pandemic
The health care systems have been overwhelmed by people needing treatment for severe infections. It’s at the stage where they are choosing who to treat and who should deal with it at home…
If we all stay at home, we’ll allow time for the hospitals and clinics to equip themselves better and prepare for more patients.
Reason #6: Teach your kids and spend time with them
Even though schools are closed, this is the perfect opportunity to teach your kids life lessons you learned and take the time to spend time with them now that you have the chance.
Reason #7: Be more social online
Face Chat, WhatsApp or Skype your distanced friends and family you haven’t communicated in a while.
Reason #8: Build your empire
So you have a business idea you’ve always wanted to pursue? Start working on it and build your empire now that you have more time to yourself.
Reason #9: Re-look at your life and finances
With the pandemic changing almost every aspect to our lives, it’s time to re-visit our finances, investments and what we need to do to stay on top of things.
Reason #10: Do what you love and learn how to trade well