Monday 6 January 2020

FREE DOWNLOAD: TradingView Complete Guide: The Best Free Trading Chart Platform PDF

I have a treat for you today I think you'll find very useful for your trading in 2020 and beyond.

Remember, when I rounded up the 103 questions you asked me in 2019?  And we came to the conclusion that the most common question was...
“Timon, I don't have enough money yet but I would like to practise first. Which free trading chart platform do you recommend?”
Well over the last week, I've been preparing a new e-book (PDF) that will show you not only what my highly free trading chart platform recommendation is but will also give you a complete and illustrated GUIDE on how to sign up and use the platform with ease.

I trust you'll enjoy going through this time-less guide as much as I spent the time creating it.

I wish you all the trading success in 2020. 
DOWNLOAD: TradingView – How To Guide: Chart Platform PDF

If you have any feedback, questions or you'd just like to send a message, you can always email me at